Placering af tidsadverbialer, konnektorer og holdningsadverbialer

Adverbialer, der angiver et specifikt tidspunkt, placeres også typisk først eller til sidste i sætningen:

Yesterday, I worked more than 12 hours straight.
I worked more than 12 hours straight yesterday.

In 1066, the Normans invaded England.
The Normans invaded England in 1066.

Adverbialer, der viser afsenderens holdning til sætningen og såkaldte konnektorer, placeres typisk først i sætningen:

Of course, Mary got an A in her maths test.
Unsurprisingly, Donald Trump has caused quite the stir in the US general election.

It is claimed that marine parks allow the average Australian to appreciate our marine wildlife. However, as Smith states, dolphins, whales and seals can be viewed in the wild at a number of places on the Australian coast.

Læg mærke til, at når adverbialer placeres først i sætningen, sætter man typisk et komma.

Andre eksempler:

The new state law has furthermore caused a heated debate.
Furthermore, the new state law has caused a heated debate.

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