Placering af lange adverbialer

Lange adverbialer placeres i modsætning til på dansk normalt ikke midt i sætningen. På engelsk placeres de enten først eller sidst i sætningen.

Han vil før eller senere indse sin fejltagelse.
Sooner or later, he will realise his mistake.
He will realise his mistake sooner or later.

Da de sent om aftenen kom hjem...
When, late at night, they returned home...
When they returned home late at night...

Læg mærke til, at når adverbialer placeres først i sætningen, sætter man typisk et komma.

Andre eksempler:

Immigrants because of the poor conditions they escape from  often commit crime. 
Because of the poor conditions they escape from, immigrants often commit crime. 

The continent of North America has since its discovery in 1492 experienced mass immigration from all over the world.
Since its discovery in 1492, the continent of North America has experienced mass immigration from all over the world.

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